Day Month Year

Mini desc of the selected event


Select a filter type

HistropediaJS Film Studio Demo

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HistropediaJS Full Screen Demo
ProductionStudio Films

Bring your content to life and increase online engagement with interactive timelines!

This demo timeline has been created with our timeline rendering software HistropediaJS.
Follow the links below for more information.

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© 2018 Histropedia Ltd.

HistropediaJS Full Screen Demo

What is HistropediaJS

HistropediaJS is a JavaScript Library (Web development software package) designed to allow you to visualise your existing content as interactive timelines. The software works by taking your content (data) and rendering it as interactive timelines that can be added to an existing web page, used to create a full screen experience, or even setup to run offline on an interactive touch display at your premises (ideal for museums and exhibitions).

Thanks to a wide range of built in options, it is easy to customise the style and functionality of the timelines to suit the needs of your content.

HistropediaJS Home Page

About This Demo

This is a demo of a HistropediaJS timeline in full-screen mode optimised for desktop, mobile and tablet devices. To see a full list of available demos, including demos of HistropediaJS timelines embedded inside a web page visit our demos page


UI Elements

HistropediaJS is a light-weight and streamlined product designed to allow you to easily connect your own page elements to the timeline. The html elements on this demo such as menus, filters pages and pop-up screen are basic elements we have created to better show you the inner working of the HistropediaJS.


Data and Filtering

This demo has been created using sample data that was readily available from Wikipedia and Wikidata; it is a taste of what HistropediaJS is capable of, using a small selection of publicly available data.

The true power of HistropediaJS is harnessed by using it with YOUR data, where the filters and colour codes available are only limited by the data that is available and your imagination!

HistropediaJS Demo - Desktop Controls

Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of time

Zooming in and out will change the amount of time visible on the screen. Hover your mouse over the period of time you want to zoom into.

Click and Drag to scroll through time

Click and drag using the left mouse button to move backwards and forwards through time. To move quickly try zooming out, and zooming back in again.

Colour Code and Filters

Click on the filter icon to open the colour code and filter options. Choose the current colour code from the drop down and select which categories are visible by clicking on the list items. For advanced filtering click the Add Filters button, choose the filter type from the list and search for a filter to apply. Adding additional filters will further refine the results visible on the timeline.
NOTE:If you are left with no visible events it means there were no events that matched all of your applied filters.

Timeline Search

Use the search box to search the events on the timeline. Selecting a search result will scroll to that event and open the reading window.

Open Related Content

Double click on any event to open up the Wikipedia article and other related content for that event.

HJS Timeline Renderer Mobile Demo - Gesture Controls

Placeholder image


Two finger pinch-zoom changes the amount of time visible on the screen.

Placeholder image


Touch (hold) and drag left or right to move through time.

Placeholder image

Related Content

Double tap an event to open the reading window.

Timeline Search

Use the search box to search the events on the timeline. Selecting a search result will scroll to that event on the timeline.

Filter the Timeline

Click on the filter icon to open the colour code and filter options. Choose the current colour code from the drop down and select which categories are visible by clicking on the list items. For advanced filtering click the Add Filters button, choose the filter type from the list and search for a filter to apply. Adding additional filters will further refine the results visible on the timeline.
NOTE:If you are left with no visible events it means there were no events that matched all of your applied filters.

HistropediaJS Full Screen Demo

Contact Us or Request a Demo

If you have any questions about HistropediaJS or would like to discuss the possibility of a demo using your existing content, please get in touch.

We are always happy to discuss your timeline needs, and advise you whether HistropediaJS would be a suitable product for you. We are also always interested in collaborations with potential data partners, if you have an interesting collection and would like to discuss how it could be visualised we would love to hear from you.

Email us at:

[email protected]

From time to time, we also volunteer as Wikidata consultants for cultural heritage institutes who are interested in adding or linking their data to Wikidata. You can learn more about Wikidata on the Wikidata home page.